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The preliminary examination of the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) allows a first glimpse into the events occurring aboard the Germanwings flight. According to the French investigation agency, the Captain left the flight deck and a descent was intentionally initiated by the First Officer subsequently.
The reason for this descent as well as the answer to the question why the First Officer did not react later on, remain unknown at this time.
The question why the Captain was unable to return to the flight deck remains unanswered as well. To answer all these questions, it is vital to quickly locate and carefully examine the Flight Data Recorder (FDR). “We should not rush to conclusions based upon limited data. The reasons that led to this tragic accident will only be determined after all data sources have been thoroughly examined” said Ilja Schulz, president of the German Airline Pilots Association, Vereinigung Cockpit.
Vereinigung Cockpit cautions against hastily implementing measures as a result of this disaster. Once the investigation is completed, government agencies, airlines and pilots have to start working on procedures aimed at eliminating such tragedies in the future.
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Jörg Handwerg, Vorstand Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Pressesprecher, Tel. 0176 / 16 959 000 VC-Pressestelle, Tel. 069 / 69 59 76 102
Die Vereinigung Cockpit ist der Berufsverband des Cockpitpersonals in Deutschland. Er vertritt die berufs- und tarifpolitischen Interessen von derzeit rund 9.800 Mitgliedern bei sämtlichen deutschen Airlines und sieht darüber hinaus seine Aufgabe in der Erhöhung der Flugsicherheit in Deutschland. ______________________________________________________________
V. i. S. d. P.: Vereinigung Cockpit, Unterschweinstiege 10, 60549 Frankfurt, Tel.: 069 / 69 59 76 - 0, Fax: 069 / 69 59 76 - 150; office@vcockpit.de, www.VCockpit.de